Buildify Earth

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Übermässiger Ressourcenverbrauch und Treibhausgas-Emissionen stellen eine Bedrohung für unseren einzigartigen Lebensraum dar. Daher benötigten wir neue Lösungen für eine starke Reduktion von Treibhausgas-Emissionen wie CO2. Jedoch nicht alle Treibhausgasemissionen sind komplett vermeidbar. Deshalb benötigen wir auch Technologien, welche CO2 industriell abscheiden und speichern und so den Ausstoss weiter reduzieren (CCS) sowie Negativemissionstechnologien (NET), die CO2 dauerhaft aus der Atmosphäre entfernen. Darüber hinaus bieten uns Konzepte der Kreislaufwirtschaft die Möglichkeit, Ressourcen zu schonen.

That's why works with ambitious founders who offer solutions to tackle the climate and resource problem globally. helps start-ups realize their vision and have a positive impact on the built environment. Together we build a sustainable earth! was founded in June 2023 by Switzerland Innovation Park Central, private investors and the Zuger Kantonalbank.

For Start-Ups is part of the innovation ecosystem of Switzerland Innovation Park Central. With the comprehensive service offering we provide you an ideal environment to develop solutions with best product-market fit and gain direct market access. We offer you venture capital as a convertible loan or against equity.


For Investors offers an exclusive opportunity to invest in startups from the university and company network of Switzerland Innovation Park Central and NEST. Through our lean and professional organization, the invested money achieves maximum impact.

We believe in true partnerships and long-term relationships with all stakeholders. That's why we didn't design as just another VC fund. To maximize our collective impact over the long term, the evergreen structure will reinvest a portion of all future proceeds back into the startup ecosystem. In doing so, we offer foundations, corporations, and entrepreneurs a unique investment platform to participate, benefit, and contribute.


Shem Mattli

Managing Director,
Switzerland Innovation Park Central

"With, we can perfectly support our start-ups in establishing and growing."

Heinz Buhofer

Switzerland Innovation Park

" allows me to invest in Swiss start-ups and projects that address the urgent challenges of our planet."

Zuger Kantonalbank

Switzerland Innovation Park

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